Postdoctoral researcher
Key Research Interests
- Study of pastoral activities through high resolution techniques: phytoliths, ash pseudomorphs, spherulites and FTIR
- Study of dung deposits
- Combined analyses of phytoliths in thin sections and bulk samples
- The effect of fire over biogenic microremains (i.e., phytoliths, ash pseudomorphs and fecal spherulites)
- Post depositional processes affecting archaeological contexts
- Study of agricultural terraces through Microarchaeology

Main Publications
For full publication list, please visit: Monica at AMGC, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Polo-Díaz, A., Alonso-Eguiluz, M., Ruiz-Alonso, M., Pérez, S., Mujika, J.A., Albert, R.M. & Fernández-Eraso, J. (2016). Management of residues and natural resources at San Cristóbal rock-shelter: contribution to the characterization of chalcolithic agropastoral groups in the Iberian Península. Quaternary International, 414, pp. 202-225.
- Alonso-Eguiluz, M., Fernández-Eraso, J. & Albert, R.M. (2017). The first herds in the upper Ebro basin at Los Husos II (Álava, Spain): Microarchaeology applied to fumier deposits. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 26, pp. 143-157.
- Daura, J., Sanz, M., Oms, F. X., Pedro, M., Martínez, P., Mendiela, S., Oliva Poveda, M., Gibaja, J. F., Mozota, M., Alonso-Eguiluz, M., Albert, R. M., Allué, E., Bañuls-Cardona, S., López-García, J. M., Santos Arévalo, F. J., & Fullola, J. M. (2019). Deciphering Neolithic activities from a Cardial burial site (Cova Bonica) on the western Mediterranean coast. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 23, pp. 324-347.
- Alonso-Eguiluz, M. & Albert, R.M. (2022). Procesos postdeposicionales y actividades antrópicas en la cueva de Arenaza I (Galdames, Vizcaya). Una aproximación desde la Microarqueología. In: Fernández-Eraso (ed.): La cueva de Arenaza I (Galdames, Vizcaya). KOBIE. ISBN 978-84-7752-470-X.
- Brown, A. G., Fallu, D., Cucchiaro, S., Alonso-Eguiluz, M., Albert, R.M., Walsh, K., Pears, B. R., Scaife, R., Langdon, C., Tarolli, P., Cockroft, D., Snape, L., Lang, A., Ascough, P., Zhao, P., Van Oost, K., & Waddington, C. (2023). Early to Middle Bronze Age agricultural terraces in north-east England: morphology, dating and cultural implications. Antiquity, August 2022, 1–19.
- Alonso-Eguiluz, M., Albert, R.M., Vergès, J.M & Fernández Eraso, J (in press) New insights into shepherds’ activities. Multi-proxy approach applied to fumier deposits from the north of Iberian Peninsula. Quaternary International.